Seed IM have developed a number of Alfresco Content Service Addons to enhance user productivity and help you manage your Repository
Seed offers support contracts which have an attached SLA. You can sign up for a support contract by contacting us.

Digital Signatures

Docusign for Alfresco
The Docusign Addon allows a user to request an electronic signature for a document from within Alfresco Share or Alfresco Digital Workspace. A signature request can be sent to Multiple Signers and the signature lifecycle may be tracked directly from Alfresco. On completion of the signature request by all signees a completed copy of the signed document is stored in Alfresco for your records.

Alfresco Shopfront
The Shopfront Addon allows you to sell content that is stored in your Repository. It provides a single page web application to allow shoppers to add items from your Repository to their shopping cart and pay for them via a Credit Card using Stripe. Content that a user browses is only available for printing or downloading once they have purchased the content. Configuration is straight forward with a price for each item or all items being set using metadata.